WordPress is well loved for good reason, it’s easy to use and highly effective.
It does require a lot of Javascript (not to be confused with the dreaded Java), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and other code in order to work properly and deliver the expected results though.
The more we add to our sites in the way of pictures, videos and all the fancy widgets that add cool features like sliders and handy things like appointment schedulers, scrolling Twitter feeds and such, they can slow your site down to a crawl, so it’s important to choose your widgets and wow factors wisely.
Just as human visitors (bods) will quickly leave a site (generally estimated to be in about 3 seconds) if it loads too slowly, the search engines (bots) perhaps in recognition of that fact, also ‘judge’ sites based on how quickly they load as a quality indicator and that is, you guessed it, reflected in a site’s or it’s content (pages & posts) SERP’s (Search Engine Results Page) ranking.
Our site build process includes setting up specific .htaccess file options and implementing gzip compression. We look closely at how static content is stored and delivered when called by a user. Static content like images, video, audio and documents are set up with expiration dates so visitor browsers can cache (store) files for a reasonable period, so on a second or subsequent visit to your site the visitor will enjoy the benefit of a much faster response.
As long as you have an account with a cPanel hosting service provider, you can easily keep up with WordPress updates and even set up to have WordPress updates install automatically, although we always recommend updating as soon as possible after updates are released.
WP-WebWorks offers various levels of hosting service based on how much or how little help you need with regular website maintenance to keep your site or sites safe, secure and search engine friendly! Contact Us to discuss the best solution for you.
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