Need Help Or Tech-Support For Your WordPress Website?
The great thing about WordPress is it’s super easy to use and there are so many talented people worldwide constantly developing and creating plugins to add awesome bells and whistles all designed to make for the best possible experience for your site visitors and to increase sales and conversion rates for you (you are in this to make money right?).
Unfortunately with so many kids in the playground, it sometimes results in conflicts when they don’t all “play well together” or share the swings nicely, most often resulting in a WSoD (White Screen of Death), or you get an error message, or even worse a “WordPress Fatal Error” message.
Fixing those issues can leave you feeling like your car just broke down and you’re left standing at the side of the road with the hood up looking at the engine bay with absolutely no clue what to do!
No worries, we can diagnose and fix that for you:
WordPress Repair & Support Rates
Secure an hour of tech-time and one of our technicians will work on your site to diagnose, resolve issues and recommend solutions to get your site back up and running for you.
1 Hour Evaluation & Repair/Tech-Support $150
Submit your 1 hour work-order we will evaluate the issues and get started working on your site. Most common and simple issues can be resolved under a 1 hour support work order but if your tech expects the fix will take longer they will advise you immediately.
You can buy an additional bucket of time or pre-pay for a bucket of hours and use them as needed, anytime we work on your site we’ll send you a full report to be sure we’re all on the same page.
3 Hours Repair/Tech-Support $350
5 Hours Repair/Tech-Support $575
10 Hours Repair/Tech-Support $1,050
Got more questions?
If you’ve still got questions or concerns and prefer a quick call to be sure you select the right package, don’t sweat it, click here to view our calendar to set up a no pressure – FEE FREE call – at a time that works best with your schedule.
Want to have that nifty automated booking process on your own website? It’s a great tool, saves time and makes you money by avoiding all the back and forth calls/emails to find a time that works for everyone, add’s the appointment to your primary calendar and much more… we can help you add AUTOMATED appointments/bookings to your website too!