This WP-WebWorks tutorial was born from our 2 Minute Tips (hmm you might want to sign-up now to be sure you don’t miss a thing 🙂 ) – where we create quick tips based on experience with our own web sites or in some cases, based on questions that come up as we’re working with clients on theirs.
Why Add a Live Signature?
Adding a “Live” signature is a small but valuable way you can make your web pages and blog posts feel more authentic.
The thing is once you know that, then you need to know how to create a live signature for yourself right? So we made a handy-dandy-down-and-dirty video to show you exactly how you can do this yourself easy-peasy in just a few minutes.
Just in case you missed it, here’s a link to the original 2 Minute Tips post with a video that explains a few ideas on where to use you newly -minted live signature.
Have fun, give it a go and let me know in the comments below where and when you like to use your live signature…
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