Auto-Responders (AR’s) are AWESOME!
We love what they do to help us stay connected with our customers and clients.
AR’s have become an essential business tool for anyone who wants to be sure their business is top of mind at the very moment their target market is thinking about or looking for their product or service.
You know auto-responders are a tool you ought to be using (I secretly believe that’s where they came up with the name ‘auto-responder’ – if you aren’t using them already you really ‘auto’ be 🙂 ) but the set-up alone can be quite daunting.
We hear you groaning… ‘is this, another job I have to learn how to do, and yet another system I need to set-up and maintain?’
We hear you on that, you’ll save time, money and aggravation by having auto-responder set-up tasks, that will take you away from working on your business, done fast and done for you by us!
What Can An Auto-Responder Do For Your Business?
First of all, let’s take a minute to get a tiny glimpse of what using an auto-responder can do to help grow your business.
If you want to be sure next time Jane is thinking of heading out to get a massage, or Joe’s looking for the best place to take Jane out for dinner tonight, that your business will be top of mind and right in front of them in their email inbox (because they just got an email coupon from you a couple of days ago) unless you want that ‘extra’ job to be on your to-do list, you need to use an auto-responder.
Zappos and Barnes & Noble are the BEST at this kind of email marketing. They’ve absolutely got me trained, if I’m looking to buy shoes or a book, I KNOW I’ll have a coupon in my inbox, so guess where I go look BEFORE I even go browsing for shoes or my next good book – yes even BEFORE I go to Amazon – I go check my inbox to see if I can save more with a coupon!
Staying Top-of-Mind
You can train your customers just as easily, I don’t mean by annoying them sending a barrage of emails every day, you can easily (meaning AR-automatically) train them to look for your peanut trail of coupons and special offers by sending useful information and/or money saving offers (who doesn’t like to save money?) via email on a regular basis, say once a week or maybe in a monthly blog/newsletter (consistent repetition is the key to training success – ask any dog owner) or as a follow up email campaign after they’ve bought goods or services from you or maybe they visited your business location or website.
How cool is it to get a “Thank You for doing business with us, we hope to see you again soon and BTW here’s a $10 coupon” type of email from anyone you’ve done business with?
Do you think that would add $$$ to your bottom line or increase conversions, retention and repeat visits? You needn’t take a survey to know… Absolutely, YES it does!
Remember the theme song for the TV show Cheers? ‘Where everybody knows your name!’ Kinda says it all right there doesn’t it? But if your business is web based, how do you make people ‘feel’ like you know their name? And whether you’re running an offline or online business, that kind of follow up, even though it’s invaluable for building and keeping customers, takes a lot of time and effort.
Automated “Set it & Forget it” Marketing
Custom Opt-In Forms
So What Can We Help You With Today?
It’s the same mantra as always from us too…Hire Us THEN Fire Us (but only if you want to), we look forward to working with you as much or as little as you want and need us to.
You drive the bus, we’ll get you to your destination – I’ll bet you’ll even find Cliff & Norm sitting at the bar waiting to say ‘Hi’ when you get there 🙂
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