If you’re a bit of a technophobe, even though it’s actially fairly easy, it can still be quite intimidating to attempt installing WordPress yourself, especially for the first time. As this is the foundation of your website or web business, you sure want to know it’s not built on quicksand or open to easy invasion from the dreaded hackers!
There are a few services offered by hosting companies that will help you install WordPress quickly and easily. Sound’s great right? Not so fast, the problem with some of those installers is that they set up your WordPress database (where your website files are stored) with a common file prefix “wrdpr1” with wrdp meaning WordPress followed by a number that correlates to the number of times you’ve installed WP. These services using easily found and identified file and database names can leave your site wide open to opportunistic hackers.
WP-WebWorks set up a secure WordPress installation using strong unique database names and passwords along with a number of other things to help lock down and protect your website and database.
We also install and configure a basic set of plugins to help you keep it secure, manage backups and generally get you started and building your site on a rock solid foundation.
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