Thanks for Joining our 5-Day Marketing Challenge!
I'm absolutely DELIGHTED you decided to join us for this Challenge. We've all signed-up and committed to taking action to move the needle on marketing our businesses and making it a habit, starting with this 5-day challenge. It starts right here...
Challenge Checklist: Here are a few (yep that's 3 but they're easy-peasy) quick things I need you to do right now.
These mini-tasks will register you to receive access to 1) the Preview Webinar and then 2) to receive Challenge & Task Notifications in your best inbox (where you won't miss them) to be sure you don't miss a single thing 3) Get's you into the Private Group on LinkedIn for feedback and support.
Thing #1: Please complete and send the 1st Registration form to the ==> RIGHT.
This reserves your seat for the
Wednesday, May 16th, 2018
at 2:00 PM (eastern).
Preview Webinar Registration
Challenge & Task Registration
Thing #2: Please complete and send the 2nd Registration form to the <==LEFT (different lists).
This will make sure you receive the Daily Challenge Task emails directly to your primary email inbox, you know the one you check daily (because many of us use different email accounts for PayPal and/or to make purchases by credit card).
Thing #3: Thanks for taking care of those first two Registration things.
Now you're all set with that, pop over to LinkedIn and request to join our PRIVATE GROUP - I'll get you approved ASAP.
While you're there why not take a minute to introduce yourself to the group once you're in, just so I know you're all set and have access.
Join LinkedIn Private Group
Click the button below to request access to our
Private Linked in Group for support and accountability during and after the challenge.
Here's to YOUR 5-Day Marketing Challenge!
Wednesday See you at 2:00 PM (eastern) on May 16th for the Preview Webinar 🙂